Step back from day-to-day issues to think proactively about your organization’s legal needs. Understand important legal issues that may affect you. Learn how to identify potential legal concerns before they become problems. Get an update on issues surrounding compliance and filing requirements, changes in employment law, best practices in good corporate governance, and keeping current with internet and website policies.
Nancy Eberhardt, New Jersey Program Director, Pro Bono Partnership
Nancy Eberhardt is the director of the New Jersey Program of the Pro Bono Partnership, an organization that provides direct legal services to New Jersey nonprofit groups. Nancy answers hundreds of legal questions from nonprofits each year and has thousands of practicing attorneys available to help with specific issues. Nancy recruits volunteer attorneys to provide legal services, supervises client outreach, and coordinates nonprofit educational programs in New Jersey.
Nancy was formerly in private practice with a focus on environmental law. She currently serves on the Pro Bono Committee of the New Jersey State Bar Association. She has served as trustee on the boards of many New Jersey nonprofit organizations.
She is admitted to the bar in New Jersey and is a graduate of The College of William and Mary and of Rutgers School of Law – Newark.
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